Monday, April 6, 2009


I love the expression "spring has sprung". It is so onomotopoeia, so bouncy. Plus I love improper use of the past-tense, like the classic "yeah, i never did that before, i just wung it". SPRING HAS SPRUNG and i am sporting the spring uniform, distinguished by what it DOESN'T involve: no socks, no scarf, no tights, no beanie, no sweater. it's liberating. I came home and saw my roommate's laundry fluttering in the breeze on the line, a row of dresses.
Last week at Flutter I made a date with my friends to come in and take victorian-style photos to put in the locket they got for their ma last month, a genius mother's day gift idea I thought. I styled their hair up into puffy buns and used the venetian armoire as a backdrop, I can't wait to see how they turn out. I guess the light must have been perfect for pictures, because there were a few other people in the store with huge, fancy cameras. I guess they had been strolling Mississippi taking pictures and wandered into Flutter. The store is a kind of curious photographer's paradise, sometimes I feel like a ringmaster or tour guide-"did you notice the stuffed goose? ..and over here we have the finch cage." It's not uncommon for us to show up in the pages of a fancy rag, as well as someone's travel photo album. Cindy sent me a link to an Oregon Live article featuring our Rizzo, looking especially adorable. Flutter made it into theLondon Observer too; read this article if you have ever wondered what kind of impression Portland makes on Brits. Spoiler alert: they love us. Now, if you will excuse me, I am going to stroll in the perfect sunlight.

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