Hello everyone and welcome to the new blog for our store, Flutter. We'll be sharing our news, ideas, visions and inspirations with you twice a week.
But first a little Flutter history.....
Flutter was created and opened May 2006. This is my third shop (the other 2 were located in Seattle) and if asked I would say this shop is the one closest to my heart, as it's a place to put all my late night visions of imagination. Flutter doubled in size November 2007 and the online store followed shortly after in January 2008. The tag line for the shop is " A delightful disarray of found objects and clutter". There are many vintage and antique, one of kind pieces gathered from around the world. The shop is very feminine and feels like one large international boudoir, but with a bit of taxidermy and oddities to break up the girliness . Flutter is a store for the girl with substance and intelligence to back all that femininity up. It has several twists and surprises around every corner and many have described the feeling the store evokes, as what Alice must have felt like as she tumbled down the hole to wonderland.
What makes Flutter unique is that it is a store, where everyone feels comfortable to shop. The large birdcage in the back with the sweet little finches provides a nice background of sound in tune with the music and there's always treasure to be found from large to small and expensive to affordable. The store is living art that is constantly changing and working as one big installation, but never too serious... there's humor in it all! Flutter is an experience and a feast for the senses...a place to get lost on those rainy Portland days and find a "delightful disarray of found objects and clutter.
We've come a long way in 2 years and now we have windows! I couldn't help but post a picture of the first day Flutter opened and my daughter, Lyla was lounging in the windows or I should say no windows. I'm sure many of you remember our first 2 weeks without glass panes for the windows and thankfully it was the clearest, sunniest May days that I have ever witnessed in Portland. There's always been lots of luck on our side at Flutter!
We hope you find our new blog enjoyable...